He is prominently represented in the collection of the National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi.
Each of the New England states is prominently represented at the fair.
His poetry is prominently represented in the anthology Big Smoke: New Zealand Poems 1960-1975 (2000).
Pierre Boulez's creative output is prominently represented this year, while the festival will also be offering works commissioned from composers in their 20's or 30's.
Mathematical modeling, dry and wet deposition, and climate and atmospheric change studies with a strong emphasis on instrumentation are prominently represented in the library.
A sensory modality that is so important should be prominently represented in the brain.
Luna showed real talent with pictures, proceeding from crayons to pastel chalk to watercolors and finally to oil; her efforts were always prominently represented in class shows.
Beethoven will be prominently represented in the other festival venues.
He is also prominently represented as Saint George in the syncretic traditions of contemporary Brazil.
Today, Hare's former students hold important administrative positions throughout the Canadian prison system, and are prominently represented in the next two generations of psychopathy researchers around the world.