Moscow's promiscuous use of the veto forced the West to bypass the Council.
Some contend that the promiscuous use of stars as shills is encountering resistance.
Can we please avoid promiscuous use of the adjective "brilliant" to describe various aspects of our output?
JetBlue's behavior is a cautionary tale about the promiscuous use of consumer information, and the ease with which government can access information ostensibly in private hands.
His promiscuous use of slogans is a way of personalizing the philosophical, of telling you where he's been.
Could we think a little more about punctuation, especially about the promiscuous use of dashes where commas do just as well?
The more immediate threat seemed to be the promiscuous use of lurid adverbs in New York Times editorials.
But there are wider issues here, too, implicit in the promiscuous use of the words 'mistake', 'false representations', 'fraud', and so on.
"I believe their promiscuous use is very dangerous."
Terrorism is a word devalued through promiscuous use.