They said their lives remain miserable, six months after the Kremlin promised improvements.
One current shortcoming is an antiquated telephone system, although the government has promised improvements by the end of this year.
The longer term development will focus on future air interface standards which promise further improvements in high speed, data optimized traffic.
Similarly, a letter sent to students promised improvements in the program this school year but did not say that any of the sites would close.
Federal officials promised improvements, but state officials were growing impatient.
He also promised improvements in the city's school system and better relations with Cleveland's neighboring suburbs.
The new owners have promised improvements at Atlanta, but a wider pit lane might not be one of them.
The company acknowledges these 1.0 glitches, and promises improvements in future versions.
We promised major improvements in our access to content from the nations (based on a user's choice of location) and this will be introduced shortly.
Often they promise improvements at much greater cost, widening the gap between the possible and the affordable.