All promised the check within "six to eight weeks."
Each power initially received $27,500, with Germany promised another $340,000 within three months.
All was according to Law, as he promised further information by bouncecomm, within ten local days.
In 1989 the school manager, parents and teachers met with the minister for education who promised a reply within 8 weeks.
"He promised full power on both engines within two hours, sir."
When Google announced the acquisition, the company promised new features within a few months, but we have seen no evidence of any development at all.
The grand scheme promised electrical service to some neighborhoods within a year.
There was an oasis, the guides promised, within the next day's march.
He called the city's emergency line, and a soothing voice promised a reply within 24 hours.
If a store is out of stock, they promise delivery within 10 days from their inventory.