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When he spoke to the Lithuanian priests today, thus, the Pope dwelled more on the challenges of promoting Catholicism after years of atheist ideological domination.
He promoted Catholicism at sword point against Protestants and Turks.
There was no way that James's supporters in 1685 were going to help him promote Catholicism by undermining the laws.
In his opinion, only business unit trade in Russia could lead to effectively promote Catholicism among the Orthodoxes.
They also promoted Catholicism amongst their employees.
Mercier promoted reform, economic development, Catholicism, and the French language.
In 1991 he was one of the founder members of Affirming Catholicism, a group promoting Catholicism within the Anglican tradition.
For example, the 'Znak' publication in Poland blended intellectuals and religious talk, promoting Catholicism and attacking Communism.
Another view holds that the dalit is indigenous, but the friars used its popularity to promote Catholicism, in the form of meditative verses.
In addition to promoting Catholicism, the almanac also cultivated local history studies and the Gottscheerisch dialect.