Upon examination, government has a limited set of tools it can use to promote a transition to renewable energy and promote energy conservation/efficiency.
The U.S. partially defined the office's mission as "to promote a democratic transition in the Islamic republic" and to help "defeat" the Iranian regime.
Family planning has promoted a demographic transition in most of the world.
These Units promoted a transition to "socialism in our time" in the midst of the Depression crisis.
IRENA aims to become the main driving force in promoting a transition towards the use of renewable energy on a global scale:
Those critics could now promote a smooth transition by accepting the Charter.
It states that it is "an independent, non-partisan institution dedicated to promoting human rights and a transition to democracy and the rule of law on the island.
The purpose of this organisation is to become the headquarters for promoting a rapid transition towards the use of sustainable energy.
Parents feel that these documents contain information that would help school faculty and staff to understand their child and thus would promote a smoother transition.
Now, with the arrival of the Bush administration, he said, his goal is to promote a smooth transition.