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The Bush administration is right to promote abstinence, but condoms must be part of the message.
Of the 20 percent left for prevention, a third must be spent on promoting abstinence until marriage.
And another reason is that some of the spots promote abstinence.
For some, that meant public health campaigns generally promoting abstinence to young people or encouraging parents to talk to their children about these issues.
Her views were considered radical for this time, because she was not promoting abstinence.
Aimed at 10- to 14-year-olds, it is essentially an advertising campaign to promote sexual abstinence.
His emphasis on programs that promote abstinence only, for example, is draining money from other family planning services, they say.
Some officials have denounced condoms, for example, and want to promote only abstinence.
He went on to call for people to change their sexual behaviour, promoting abstinence.