It will most likely promote itself along those lines.
The best students were encouraged to become teachers and work in the community or outlying areas to promote further education along the Hampton-Tuskegee model.
The seven states had previously formed the League of the Southwest in 1917 to promote development along the river.
Later, he was the secretary of the Dakota Land Company, which promoted settlement along the road.
But new associations, to promote commerce and tourism along their specific highways, started.
To promote settlement along its line, the railroad established towns at intervals.
Since 1996, he has managed a program to promote open gates along shopping streets in midtown Manhattan.
The roads were intended to facilitate the movement of Army units within the state and promote settlement along the routes.
As I see it, we in the European Union should not be promoting or supporting any division of this society along ethnic lines.
Vernon was incorporated to promote industrial development along the railroads in the area.