The beer companies are using personable old athletes in the commercials, and handsome actors and actresses, to promote beer among young people.
The "Gin Craze" in eighteenth century Britain led to a campaign to promote beer as an alternative.
Unlike many lobbyists who shun the limelight, he is expansive about his efforts to promote beer - efforts that, he quickly noted, differed sharply from tobacco's.
Then you advertise the party in some biker magazine promoting free beer, food and lots of horny ladies.
One is a humorous campaign, carrying the theme "It'd be weird without beer," that promotes beer as a beverage for good times.
Mr. Aubrey noted that despite the new policy, commercial signs promoting cigarettes and beer were still permitted.
"First of all, I would like to see any marketing that promoted beer chugging," he said.
Instead of promoting beer and cars, couture is said to promote sales of perfumes, accessories and ready-to-wear clothes.
Another controversy emerged when Lee Seung Gi was indirectly promoting beer to make his beer-can chicken he endorsed on the episode aired November 11, 2009.