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On a social level, one-design racing promotes camaraderie in the sport, particularly among those in each class, he said.
Who doesn't remember all those Neighborhood Watch signs, which promoted both public safety and camaraderie?
The event serves to unite the Black motorcycle community and promote camaraderie.
These events are designed to promote and encourage teamwork, enthusiasm, camaraderie, and spirit from the competition's start to finish.
All the musicians are working free of charge, for the sake of promoting camaraderie among flutists.
We promote camaraderie with our fellow students and an attitude of caring for all individuals in society.
The game is friendly, but serious, as the men and women players join in for the exercise and to promote corporate camaraderie.
This factionalization promotes camaraderie between those on the same side.
They should be provided with modest, individual housing, but a common eatery to promote camaraderie among a growing, multilingual population.
Throughout the year, inter-house competitions are held to promote camaraderie and teamwork.