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Israel promoted conformity as a Zionist ideal.
The goal of promoting conformity with the treaty might be sufficient to persuade the parties to use the device.
Western cultures, structured around polarity and hierarchy, promote competition and conformity.
Military bases are miniature, self-contained, government-subsidized towns that promote conformity.
Social control promotes and encourages conformity among informal group members, thereby making them reluctant to act too aggressively or perform at too high a level.
Yet the absence of history, he said, tends to promote conformity.
But he worries that its career-advancement role invites distrust and promotes conformity.
On the social scene, television sitcoms promote bland, puritanical conformity to parental authority.
The Japanese system does promote conformity, obsequiousness, rigidity.
Marxists agree with functionalists that socialisation plays a crucial role in promoting conformity and order.