The Population Fund promotes modern contraception, which is practiced by only 4 percent of women in Niger, and safe childbirth.
Sankara also promoted contraception and encouraged husbands to go to market and prepare meals to experience for themselves the conditions faced by women.
To promote contraception for deer is to treat wild animals as pets, as we neuter or spay cats and dogs.
It also shows how truly Zimbabwe fulfills its duties as the country to promote contraception to other parts of Africa.
They also asked Catholics working in Government programs to refuse to promote contraception.
In other words, with a nod to abstinence "for those who can practice it," promote contraception.
Anti-abortion groups promoted them in their fight against abortion, and some Planned Parenthood affiliates latched on to promote contraception.
Some commentators have criticized FFL for not promoting contraception.
Those who advocate restricting the population in poor countries and promoting contraception or abortion should not hide behind terms like health and reproductive rights.
Is there not something dubious about Europeans promoting and funding contraception and abortion outside Europe?