The impulse to use the press to promote open debate began again in the early 1990's.
The center promotes debate about the balance needed in the intellectual property system and works to translate academic research into public policy solutions.
The purpose of the show was to promote inter-cultural debate on sensitive political and scientific issues.
Perhaps they should spend more time concentrating on protecting interests of workers than promoting constitutional debate within the Party.
As I've said, this isn't a matter of Democrats trying to promote honest debate on the issues.
It was founded by the sixth form as a society to promote the arts, music and debate.
Through strategic studies, the Commission promotes debate, innovation, and the exchange of good practice.
At best, "Community film" promotes open dialogue and global debate about its own development as a practice.
That should promote debate with the Council, where things are much more difficult.
Indeed, this instrument is designed to promote in-depth debate throughout civil society.