The governing body does not accept any topic promoting religious or political extremism and terrorism.
However, the problem is that the Russian translation has paragraphs that could be seen as promoting extremism; prosecutors started the case for that reason.
It was forced to change its name to General Line after the authorities banned it for "promoting extremism and calling on overthrowing the constitutional order".
However, two witnesses we interviewed who knewThumairy and used to hear him preach at the King Fahd mosque deny that he promoted extremism.
People should have the right to protest and march, but promoting extremism?
I could suggest protesting against freedom of speech within the law is "promoting extremism".
Strummered 31 August 2011 7:24PM People should have the right to protest and march, but promoting extremism?
The journal changed its name after the authorities banned it for "promoting extremism and calling on overthrowing the constitutional order".
Mullahs were not looked upon kindly, as they would promote extremism and rebellion.
He stated that the UK needed a stronger national identity and signalled a tougher stance on groups promoting Islamist extremism.