He explained that it was not the company's intent to promote hate.
On their website they asserted that the band "promotes hate, violence, death, suicide, drug use, and the attitudes and actions of the Columbine killers."
I mean, the religious right, quote unquote, gets a lot of flak about promoting hate.
The Minutemen responded with a campaign in the press saying that the episode was slanderous and promoted hate against their group.
"The people who want to promote hate, use the Internet very skillfully," Mr. Spano said.
But he said that antidote did not always work in cyberspace, since a Web page promoting hate doesn't leave room for the proverbial "other side of the story."
Sina's contention is that Islam promotes hate and disunity and as such it is an impediment to peace.
As a result of an investigation that began in June 2006, Tremaine was arrested January 23, 2008 and charged with promoting hate on the Internet.
Canadian customs agents regularly seize books, magazines and compact disks that that violate standards of decency or promote hate.
My music is not about promoting hate and violence, it's about uplifting people.