In order to solve this problem, Zakaria proposes that the international community and the United States must end their obsession with balloting and promote gradual liberalization of societies.
Also in 2001, he served as Chairman of the APEC Business Advisory Council, where he regularly promoted economic liberalization.
The bad news is that the converse is also true: good times don't promote liberalization.
It was established by millionaire property tycoon Bob Jones, and promoted both social and economic liberalization.
Mr. Wang, who is now 33 years old, and Mr. Chen, who is 38, later founded a research institute and a weekly newspaper that helped promote political and economic liberalization.
So officials are no doubt gambling that the cards can help them juggle two important if conflicting interests: promoting economic liberalization, while monitoring citizens in an increasingly fluid society.
The O.E.C.D. says its members should promote continued economic liberalization in these countries and encourage them to become more and more linked to the international marketplace.
Still, Mr. Deng's campaign to promote economic liberalization has left the hard-liners in trouble.
The nationalization programme began on January 2, 1972, in a vision to promote economic democracy, liberalization, and a mainstream initial goal to put Pakistan in the line of state of progressivism.
The Administration even went so far as to claim that economic growth and liberalization in China, fueled by increased trade with the United States, would actually promote political liberalization.