During 1992 initiatives were undertaken to raise the profile and image of the Association, promote membership and improve awareness of the benefits and services offered.
During the Winter/Spring 1991/2 an advertising campaign was run to promote membership, generating over 1,000 enquiries.
The CIPFM has affiliations and representatives in some countries promoting its courses and membership.
Greg has been promoting membership, meeting with individual owners of various businesses, which include restaurants, clothing stores and mom-and-pop grocery establishments.
Clubs with "Poly Credits" can redeem up to four per issue and use them for designated purposes such as advertising an event or promoting membership.
Additionally the University and each individual Chapter maintains a strict no hazing policy, which promotes constructive membership.
He had promoted membership of SSS and Philhealth to his constituents.
-To promote membership and participation of the young UEES entrepreneurs in organizations already constituted.
Thus, cooperation on environmental issues and cooperation between the agencies should form a proper part of any strategy to promote membership for the eastern European countries.
We use it to promote membership of a racing syndicate as really glamorous and exciting.