Community studies have been linked to the causes of social justice, promoting peace and nonviolence and working towards social change, often within an activist framework.
The march promoted nonviolence and a ban on nuclear testing.
What: A 10-mile walk promoting nonviolence, with stops at churches, from Nazareth to Bethlehem.
The Humanist Movement is an international volunteer organisation that promotes nonviolence and non-discrimination.
He was the national fitness guru for the first President Bush and has devoted his life to promoting education and nonviolence among children.
IFOR members promote nonviolence, human rights and reconciliation through public education efforts, training programs and campaigns.
These practices generally promote nonviolence and ethical behavior.
Nevertheless, he turned to serious topics, including the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, and his campaign to promote nonviolence throughout the world.
Development of an educational media program to promote nonviolence in the domestic media.
The program, called "A Study of Heroes," promotes nonviolence and is used in social studies classrooms throughout the country.