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In 1985 the judge ruled that Yonkers had deliberately promoted segregation in housing and schools for close to 40 years.
Long after 1954 the city was still siting its schools in ways that promoted segregation.
As 30 years of desegregation law have made clear, the Constitution requires more than ceasing to promote segregation.
Each factor alone is not significant, he wrote in the 100-page decision, but taken together they "raise the serious inference" that the state continues to promote segregation.
At the same time, many laws and policies promoting segregation or desegregation recur across multiple national contexts.
Of course, no public school district should discriminate on the basis of race, or actively promote racial segregation.
Under California law, a major criterion for allowing a vote on secession is that the plan not "substantially" promote racial or ethnic segregation.
He refused due to his belief that enrolling would only promote segregation of hetero- and homosexual students.
For example, in the 20th century, churches largely abandoned any teaching which promoted racial separation and segregation.
Along with potential property right infringements, zoning has also been criticized as a means to promote social and economic segregation through exclusion.