Our mission is to promote economic self-sufficiency for older individuals who are working to achieve this dream.
While the aim is philosophical - to promote self-sufficiency - the means are procedural: the changes make it much harder to get on the rolls.
The goal is to break the Israelis' control and promote self-sufficiency.
The administration's efforts would place an emphasis on rewarding good behavior and promoting self-sufficiency.
General Clark said his proposals would promote self-sufficiency among the Iraqi people.
Unfortunately, these resources are being limited in a society promoting self-sufficiency as a cure-all for the ills of the poor.
Volunteers work to promote self-sufficiency in the areas of small business development, education, environment, and health.
What are we going to do to change this, to promote food security and self-sufficiency?
Promoting self-sufficiency of parents so that they may feel confident in their abilities to parent with minimal or no additional support.
The Bank attempts to promote self-sufficiency, by minimizing the requirements to receive a loans.