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What drove Mr. Perincek underground in April was the threat of a six-year prison term on charges of "promoting regional and ethnic separatism."
However, Ethnic studies is accused of promoting "racial separatism", "linguistic isolation" and "racial preference".
The Party was banned in July 1993 by the Constitutional Court of Turkey for promoting separatism.
The 77-year-old Nation of Islam once enjoyed a near monopoly over interpreting Islam for black Americans, using the faith as a vehicle to promote black separatism.
All opposition was repressed and people deemed to be promoting opposition to socialism or promoting separatism were imprisoned or executed for sedition.
However, bilingualism in schools promotes separatism.
November 23: Eric Zemmour, a French journalist for Le Figaro, is being accused of promoting ethnic separatism.
However, niche community tools such as BlackPlanet do host users who wish to promote separatism, such as gangs, and this has not gone unnoticed.
This was due to the New Zealand belief that such a thing would promote separatism within the British Empire.
However, Hawaiian Studies has been accused of promoting "racial separatism", "linguistic isolation" and "racial preference".