He strongly promoted western settlement and invoked this theory as one of his reasons for people to migrate west.
To relieve this problem, the chemin Gosford was built to promote settlement in the area.
Proponents argued that their approach would hold the line on rates by avoiding costly litigation and promoting faster settlement of claims.
Later, he was the secretary of the Dakota Land Company, which promoted settlement along the road.
Begin saw it as his first mission in the government to secure the fruits of the victory by preventing territorial withdrawal and promoting settlement.
To promote settlement along its line, the railroad established towns at intervals.
Instead of using them to promote settlement, Congress decided that they should be held in public ownership because of their other resource values.
The roads were intended to facilitate the movement of Army units within the state and promote settlement along the routes.
Linderholm's efforts to promote settlement were successful and people from the Midwest flocked to the area.
It would facilitate governance, give rapid mobility to the military, promote settlement and foster trade.