He has promoted software for marketing on Myspace and training on selling on eBay.
In earlier version of Windows, PC makers were allowed to place such icons to promote other software on the Microsoft operating system.
To massively promote free software.
As executive vice president and chief technology officer Montgomery led the company's efforts to promote software to government agencies associated with tracking terrorist activities.
The college believes in promoting open-source software and open educational resources.
Membership in Compuserve remained around two million, where it has been for the last few years, despite an advertising campaign to promote its price cut and new software.
All the Internet companies, meanwhile, are promoting toolbars and other software that help attract traffic.
(We get quite a few e-mails to the Infinite Loop mailbox promoting software that hasn't yet received Apple's blessing.)
The campaign also launched the Geek Freedom League which is a group promoting free/open-source software to South Africa.
The company has had to navigate through the potential conflict between providing the best services and promoting its own hardware and software.