The purpose of these grants is to limit litigation, while preserving access to courts for patients and promoting strategies to reduce medical errors.
Characteristics of classrooms that promote motivations and strategies for learning.
"Like other small liberal arts colleges, the administration was promoting strategies to survive the enrollment and financial crunch of the 1990's."
The gurus who publish and videotape gambling tips are just starting to promote strategies for the new bets.
They said the changes were also a way to promote strategies that have cut serious subway crime by nearly 30 percent over the last two years.
He sees himself as something of a national cheerleader for successful education policies at the state and local level, promoting strategies but not imposing them.
The approach of promoting strategies for a healthier lifestyle is therefore certainly an important one.
Second, promoting sound policies and strategies linking climate change and development.
Europe needs to sustain growth and promote effective strategies within the internal market, which aim at increasing competitiveness, innovation and research.
The EU should support the initiatives of young and talented people to promote particular political strategies.