In recent years, promoters of the "Road map for peace" have sought the endorsement of the leadership of the ICOF.
The promoter, MCD Productions, sought damages in the High Court.
The teams were of variable quality; while promoters sought the best cricketers, they still had to agree to terms.
Furthermore, patenting one of these remedies would have meant publicly disclosing its ingredients, which most promoters sought to avoid.
For one thing, it accomplished exactly what the promoters of this young woman are seeking: extensive news media attention to establish a mystique before she has created one with her racquet.
A promoter of jazz concerts in Manhattan, Mr. Newelt sought to raise production funds for the movie through some of his friends in the music business.
The promoter sought to bar the Athletic Commission from applying its new rules.
But whatever the roadblocks, promoters have long sought to bring Nascar racing, hugely popular in the South and Midwest, to the potentially lucrative New York City area.
The promoters are actively seeking headlining artists and have traveled to the United States and Europe to do so.
When a big-time promoter seeks to acquire Tommy's contract, Tommy endangers his future career because of his loyalty to Marty.