The promoter guaranteed much of the $10 million in loans used for the renovation.
Ironically, the promoters used this controversy to their advantage and enlisted the State media to publicise the event.
Both critics and promoters of the Book of Mormon have used linguistic methods to analyze the text.
Sportspeople, teams, promoters and sponsors have used Twitter to communicate with fans.
Different promoters use the space.
The promoters of the movement used the music section of the newspaper to promote these bands' names and their philosophy.
Some promoters have used cross-promotion style angles to further interest.
Crucial to the success of teen nights is the teen network that promoters use to publicize them.
"Cleaner, safer, brighter" is a mantra the city's promoters use frequently.
Sulaiman, who according to published reports yesterday is going to resign next week, denies that King or any other promoter has ever used improper means to influence him.