The client makes generic pharmaceuticals and the agency will be doing advertising, public relations, marketing and promotions aimed at the trade.
So this year, Patek is spending half of its $15 million marketing budget on promotions aimed at women, a 15 percent increase from three years ago.
Fox is seeking to tap into that aspect of the film's appeal with heavy promotion aimed at individuals as well as at churches.
The opening of each show was given the kind of devotion that movie studios give to big-budget films: heavy promotion aimed at maximum exposure.
For just that reason, other companies with consumer products are investigating promotions aimed at doctors.
And to help make up for the lost revenue, Kellogg plans to cut back on promotions and discounts aimed at budget-conscious shoppers.
Brokers in the region have begun new promotions aimed at helping frustrated sellers rent out their homes.
Moore demanded that the tobacco companies rein in their shameless promotions aimed at hooking kids.
For the tobacco companies, promotions aimed at willing adult smokers have also become a way of answering accusations that they are trying to recruit young customers.