Since 2009, the promotion has not featured any coupons.
Candidate students are recruited by competitive examination, each promotion featuring nationals of over 70 countries.
The promotion features a choice of soup or salad, entree, dessert and coffee.
The promotion featured both serious wrestling matches and more comedic aspects.
The promotion was underwritten with $150,000 in state funds, and features the state's finest foods and wines.
The promotion features Disney glassware, sold with purchases of menu items, and a contest giving away vacations.
Within the last couple of weeks, advertising and marketing media have been cluttered with promotions featuring the movie's title character, an anthropomorphic alien.
The promotion featured cases of Coke in which some cans were, in fact, containers holding the stuffed Al.
Peterson has cited as his most successful promotion the Tom Peterson watch, also featuring his face.
The promotion will feature a succession of other artists and their MySpace profiles until it concludes at the end of this month.