Yet you completely ignore that the promotion of internation travel involves far more media than just still photography.
A second promotion involved placing dinner plates from a very desirable selection within the then regular (not round) boxes of oats.
In the past, those promotions almost always involved sweepstakes coordinated with cable operators.
One particularly memorable promotion involved a helicopter that showered $40,000 in cash and prizes over downtown Joplin.
Since shortly after its inception, the promotion of Aquafina has involved sports sponsorships.
The promotion of equality also involves combating violence against women.
The promotion involved the sale of 38 parcels of land, both residential and industrial, for one dollar each.
The same promotion in the United States involves licking salt from women's hands or forearms.
The promotion for the game involved the music of Paul McCartney.
Sid's temporary promotion involves him going to Birmingham for a few days.