All criticized the mayor's promotion rules, which threaten to hold back children with low scores.
When should agencies use the standard method for the two-step promotion rule?
Officials said yesterday that 79 percent of fifth graders - also subject to the promotion rules - have been attending summer school.
The city, however, was eager to have test results to make decisions about whether students should go to summer school under the mayor's promotion rules.
Nearly two years later, Iyama was promoted to 4 dan under the newly revised promotion rules.
Fifth graders, who were subject to the promotion rules for the first time this year, posted huge gains.
Moreno sought to modify the military balance of power by reforming the promotion rules.
The promotion rules are just like the Judan's.
The most striking results came in the fifth grade, where students faced the mayor's new promotion rules for the first time.
Last year, before the mayor's promotion rules applied to that grade, only 13.5 percent raised their scores, she said.