Despite its openly promotional aspect, the tour's appeal is akin to that of Barnum & Bailey, the organizers say.
The promotional aspect of this was revealed in radio listings where it was labeled "NBC Hearst Program".
In 1835 they co-founded their new village, with Martin responsible for the legal and promotional aspects while Juneau took care of local issues.
As a result, he said, Mr. Yudenfriend may not have concentrated on "the promotional aspect we are famous for."
"He's a fighter who understands the promotional and management aspect of the business," said Teddy Atlas, a boxing analyst for ESPN2.
He ran the recording company, hosted a regional TV music show, and generally concentrated on the promotional aspects of the business.
So the event, of course, had a promotional aspect to it.
The argument for his staying on, though strong, has unfortunately assumed a promotional aspect.
In Yorkshire, and elsewhere, the public relations and promotional aspects are now in the ascendant.
Our Go Green campaign is an ongoing promotional aspect of Radio1 FM91 itself.