And unlike its bigger competitors, Porsche cannot afford to write off money-losing vehicles as promotional expenses.
The company attributed this to higher ad rates and the timing of promotional expenses.
It also saves the M.T.A. thousands of dollars in promotional expenses.
We do not have a lot of promotional expense and the public health benefits of vaccines are enormous.
The argument is that discount retailers -or "free riders" - benefit from lower costs because they have not made the same promotional expenses.
The salespeople - called "detail men," even though not all are men - are the single greatest promotional expense by drug companies.
He also dropped some lavish promotional expenses, including a drag-racing funny car, a ocean-racing boat and an airplane.
By asking Congress to legislate promotional expenses for them, said another executive, it gets recording executives off the hook.
King has also been accused of having dipped into Tyson's millions to pay promotional and personal expenses.
Some circulation specialists question the cost-effectiveness of discount-card programs, which have high maintenance and promotional expenses.