The two collaborated through the 1920s on a monthly promotional publication entitled "Mother Stoner's Bulletin".
Indeed, the marketing of a major film often includes a novelization, a graphic novel or comic version, the soundtrack album, a game, model, toys and endless promotional publications.
Dimensions, a twice-yearly promotional publication, features stories on faculty, staff, and the University.
In 1943, after the Blue Network had been spun off (but before its eventual sale), a promotional publication noted that:
The next year, the United States Chamber of Commerce, which had been printing a promotional publication called "Special Days, Weeks and Months," passed the task on to the Chases.
As the Consortium's promotional publications affirm, Bouzas Commercial Area has become the "Atlantic gateway" for southern Europe.
During 1984 to 1985, Palitoy increasingly used the comic as a promotional publication, running competitions, mail-in offers and fan-club elements of the Action Force toy range through its pages.
In print media, ranging from magazines to promotional publications, personalization uses databases of individual recipients' information.
It appeared on many promotional publications but seldom appeared on rolling stock.
Museums need to distinguish themselves from the skillful, occasionally eloquent, always promotional publications of galleries.