Traditional advertising and promotions companies are often rivals for the same dollars.
Win what it didn't say, almost as if the promotions company could not be bothered to put details on the card.
Jacky started writing after running her own marketing and promotions company.
All of these contribute to the profit of the promotion company.
In the late 1990s Bill looked towards his own Australian based sports promotion company.
The promotion company flourished and quickly became the premier spot for wrestlers.
Smith, who is 30 years old, owns a promotion company that handles country-and-western music concerts.
Despite their robust growth, promotion companies are still considered, and often consider themselves, inferior cousins to mainstream ad agencies.
MegaRamp is also the name of a mega ramp event organization and promotion company.
He and his wife, Eileen, 55, a sales associate at a promotions company, are avid riders.