The team, then, "will likely be unable to ice a team for next season," without prompt approval of the Lemieux plan, the league filing said.
It is the most important land conservation bill in many years, and deserves prompt approval on the House and Senate floors.
The Scotland Yard man gave his prompt approval.
One would expect prompt approval of Judge Jackson's ruling by the Supreme Court.
He has told anyone who would listen that New York's bid for the Olympics is doomed without prompt approval of the stadium.
A logical beginning would be the prompt approval of a new plan to overhaul its unwieldy, unresponsive bureaucracy.
The idea deserves the City Council's prompt approval.
The joint commission entered at once upon its task and on 8 May concluded a treaty which received the prompt approval of the two governments.
The International Monetary Fund gave prompt approval to the Mexican plan.
One other measure also deserves prompt approval.