The popularity of the decade-old cross-country skiing series has prompted organizers to add two competitions to the schedule this winter.
The Monster Ball was a commercial success, with sold-out shows and demand for tickets prompting organizers to add more dates to the itinerary.
Hours before the opening ceremony, Georgian luger Nodar Kumaritashvili was killed during a training run, intensifying questions about the safety of the course and prompting organizers to implement quick modifications.
The suggestion prompted organizers from Local 802 to protest, saying it was a stalling tactic.
Security concerns prompted organizers to limit the number of boats, officials said.
The decision, on a vote of 9 to 3, prompted organizers of the run carrying the Olympic torch to Atlanta to shelter the flame in a van as it moved through the county.
The gathering moved here in 1990 after crowds and fire worries prompted organizers to seek more wide open spaces.
The attendance has prompted organizers to predict that they will draw a total of more than 100,000 women this year.
A lack of snow downtown, where the race was to begin, prompted organizers to stage a ceremonial start on city pavement.
An estimated 1,000 people turned out to see her at the town hall event on Sunday morning, prompting organizers to move it from a restaurant to an exhibit hall at the state fairgrounds.