The figures also prompted predictions that Congress, with both chambers about to be controlled by the Democrats, would intensify its efforts to restrict imports.
The magistrate nevertheless continued his house arrest, prompting predictions that he would be unable to leave England for at least a year.
The report surprised most analysts and prompted predictions of a sharply higher opening today.
The air-freight industry has been plagued by overcapacity, deep price cutting and shifting customer demands, prompting predictions of a shake-out.
But the new election plan has sown divisions between some settlers and the Government and prompted predictions of a civil war among Jews.
Many blacks thought an acquittal was certain in this case, too, prompting predictions of more civil unrest.
Each new fight prompts new analyses of his character flaws, new predictions of doom for him and the city.
His actions stirred dismay among some moderate Republicans and prompted predictions that he would seek national office.
The early harvest has prompted optimistic predictions in Burgundy, Touraine and Champagne.
Gold closed near its high for the week, prompting predictions by analysts that it will test the psychologically important $400-an-ounce level next week.