The case also prompted intense scrutiny by the local media and calls for independent oversight.
In fact, the backlash has prompted scrutiny from lawmakers and Government agencies.
Before he had been above criticism, but now his every action and inaction prompted meticulous scrutiny and open criticism.
The case has prompted scrutiny of how the mentally ill are cared for in New York.
But the case reverberated far beyond Roslyn, prompting closer scrutiny of other districts as well.
Another woman by the name of Violette Kaye had disappeared, and the appearance of the first woman's body prompted greater scrutiny on Kaye's case.
It was the largest recall ever of a lottery ticket in Canada, and were prompted in part from greater media scrutiny regarding ongoing fraud investigations.
The deal also prompted scrutiny of Japan's openness to foreign telecom competitors.
A 1991 state report on a suspicious death at a different adult care home prompted closer scrutiny of the home where Ms. Stalker was living.
But the Business Week report appears to be the first time that a specific relationship has prompted scrutiny from Government investigators.