On receiving news of the attacks, the Russians promptly canceled their exercise as well.
I promptly canceled my ticket, waited, and met him.
And it promptly canceled the practice, saying the gift giving had become excessive.
Perry's newly appointed Chairman promptly canceled the hearing.
At least one major manufacturer was reported as promptly canceling a deal it had expected to close on Monday.
He promptly canceled his card, but must still pay the higher interest rate on his $848 balance, which he hopes to pay off soon.
Mendoza said he had been preparing for another fight, which he promptly canceled.
Gibson promptly cancelled a day of practices to show it to his team; they would go unbeaten for the next seven weeks.
When Carlos, 21, of Mount Kisco, received one, he promptly canceled his car insurance and stopped driving.
The panel, the National Economic Commission, which is studying ways to cut the budget deficit, promptly canceled a meeting scheduled for Monday.