But instead of being admitted to a residential treatment facility, Alexander was promptly placed on a waiting list.
After 10 days of service she presented herself to the commanding sergeant, who promptly placed her under military arrest.
From the back the fans and propellers are promptly placed next to each other giving the structure a flying movement.
Turk promptly placed his gun to the girl's head.
It was placed in administration on 29 June 2010 and promptly broken up, with the various offices and businesses being sold as going concerns.
Benevenuto promised Trejas a quick decision on the matter and promptly placed another call to move the information further up the line.
The buyer promptly placed orders for 50-pound bags at $3.50 each, a commanding post-Depression price.
The academy also had difficulties promptly placing its aspiring principals, some of whom are still awaiting assignments more than a month into the school year.
Bizumungu was promptly placed under house arrest by the government of current president Paul Kagame.
Thodor promptly placed the teak-wood box on top of the spread-out maps.