A few days ago, Mr. Ready received a $300 check from the Clintons - whom he has never met - and promptly posted it in the gallery window.
In any case, Mr. Bermel's memo (which he promptly posted again) and his complaints about its removal led to heated debate on the site.
There was a Judas on the listserve, who leaked the Kingpin's missive to Jason Zengerle, who promptly posted a report on The New Republic Web site.
When Ko-bong falls head over heels with new girl Hyo-jin, he promptly posts some pictures of her on the internet, and before long she becomes something of a local celebrity.
The computer promptly posted a sensor readout down one side of the main viewscreen; upon seeing the figures, Janeway frowned.
In 1966, Moran became the first lacrosse coach at Elmont Memorial High School and promptly posted a 29-3 record and won two league championships in two seasons.
Then she flew out to be with him and promptly posted $1m bail in cash and a further $5m insurance bond.
LisaS found an audio of the rally, proving the crowd didn't boo, and promptly posted it on Right Voices.
Upon receiving the dispatches, Ms. Spiers promptly posted them online.
When Sherbrooke's only Anglophone hospital was shut down, CUSE took in the acute-care patients, most of them elderly, and promptly posted bilingual signs as a courtesy.