This last was said to a passing crone, who promptly stopped walking and stood looking as if she wanted to talk.
The leading soldiers promptly stopped and the ones behind crashed into them.
Lucius promptly stopped talking, and that told Soleta everything she needed to know.
It drove into the man's skull just below the ear, and he promptly stopped moving.
They promptly stopped, set up housekeeping, and proceeded to make tea.
They stopped promptly, when police whistles shrilled in the distance.
However, by 1955, the new politics of architecture once again promptly stopped the project from fully being realised.
All her aid promptly stopped, and she receives no benefits.
The Pig got hungry during the race, promptly stopped for a feast and then fell asleep.
Many other internet-based vendors promptly stopped doing business, even though their products were still legal throughout much of the world.