But some states, like New York, saw a more pronounced increase between the preliminary figure and the final total.
Compared with the Northern Province its sediments show a pronounced increase in thickness (5,000-11,500 altogether).
Moreover, reverse mortgage lenders say there has been a pronounced increase in recent months of the proportion of customers who are affluent.
A pronounced increase of costs and concerns about possible unexpected technical problems had discouraged potential investors and customers.
Scientists were also surprised by the pronounced increases and decreases in the X-ray brightness from one observation to another, typically over a few hours.
The 1947 initiation to women to curl gave the club its most pronounced increase in membership.
But more important was the pronounced increase in the number of British officers in each infantry Battalion from 12 to 22.
There was a pronounced increase among younger women and Asians, who tend to get diabetes at lower weights.
These produce what Dembroski calls "pronounced and inappropriate increases in blood pressure and heart rate" that can lead to cardiac problems.
Thus, more pronounced increases are likely, especially if the dollar's decline continues, they say.