Now I will pronounce my own sentence upon the rest of you.
He couldn't even pronounce the Russian names upon the chart.
Them what's given themselves over to it, and what pronounce upon the rest of us in Christ's name, is more cruel than any other.
We pronounce upon him the sentence of death, to be executed by any that have the means and opportunity!
At this point it is traditional for the Rabbi to pronounce a blessing upon the couple.
I went no more near the remarkable man who had pronounced a judgment upon the adventures of his soul on this earth.
As to the disputes of this minister with his rivals, I do not wish to pronounce upon them.
He felt as if he were pronouncing sentence of death upon her.
It made me shudder; I knew she was pronouncing sentence of death upon herself.
Now they lapsed into silence, each waiting for the doom that was to be pronounced upon them.