In response, they financed a propaganda blitz in Colombia's newspapers and in its Congress.
Every facet of Chinese life has been exposed to a propaganda blitz against "bourgeois liberalization."
Just before the March 2000 elections, The New Yorker wrote, "Berezovsky unleashed a propaganda blitz that obliterated the opposition as surely as Russia's tanks obliterated Grozny."
But in the succeeding weeks, virtually every facet of Chinese life has been exposed to the propaganda blitz.
There was a propaganda blitz toward the end of the campaign saying, 'Don't waste your vote for Ross Perot - he can't win,' " Mr. Perot said.
"He'll reject a propaganda blitz accusing us of murdering his cosmonauts in favor of secret talks where he'll demand restitution in the form of shared scientific data."
The Americans have taken the Russian propaganda blitz in stride, hopeful that it will at least help Mr. Yeltsin appease his domestic opposition.
The legislation was accompanied by a propaganda blitz that led to public support for the measure.
But the greater scandal is the free pass that reporters, most of whom have imbibed, have granted the PDFA's propaganda blitz.
The disingenuous opponents of such reform contend that "full disclosure" of who is paying for a propaganda blitz should suffice to keep politics honest.