In the interview, the 47-year-old Mr. Tewari described as "bunk" the charges that television and radio news had been turned into propaganda instruments for Mr. Gandhi.
In socialist times, movies were treated as a propaganda instrument by the Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party.
"Rifaat al-Assad is a multibillionare who lives abroad, who has properties everywhere and who has above all a television station that he uses as a propaganda instrument," Mr. Rouleau said.
Without benefit either of rehearsal or phonemic engineering, Walton had delivered a rousing speech and turned a grisly incident into a major propaganda instrument.
But TVR would remain a propaganda instrument in the hands of the newly created National Salvation Front (FSN), made up mostly of former second-rank Communists.
During the apartheid era, the SABC acted as a state broadcaster and was used as a political propaganda instrument of the government to support its policies.
In particular, I object to the fact that this dossier has been misused as a propaganda instrument for what are known as gigaliners.
In Burma, radio, television, and the press are strictly controlled by the military government, and are used as propaganda instruments.
It was monitored by the BBC starting in 1992, and was mostly a propaganda instrument for the RPF.