A 2005 Citgo program to donate heating oil to poor household in the United States was criticized as a propaganda stunt.
Their direct-action tactics did not aim at involving large numbers of people in militant action; they were propaganda stunts designed to attract an audience.
The movement was an ongoing propaganda stunt to demonstrate the benefits of National Socialism to German workers.
He filed a report on the atrocities, but the BBC initially refused to broadcast it, believing that it was too incredible to be true and suspecting a Soviet propaganda stunt.
'Perhaps it's just a propaganda stunt, and they think it worth risking some of their funds to impress waverers with their confidence in their own man.'
There is a great danger that President Uribe will use this as a propaganda stunt to give the impression at international level that everything is fine.
For dialogue between Cuba and the European Union to lead to positive changes it must be a genuine dialogue, not a propaganda stunt.
A BBC report painted the commando raid - soldiers videotaped taking a hospital with full force - as a propaganda stunt.
The gas masks are not a propaganda stunt.
For they opened a window into a world of such exotic and convoluted conspiratorial activity that it seemed impossible to disentangle truth from rumor, propaganda stunts or psychological warfare.