In this periodic structure, the loading is strong such that the lumped elements dominate the propagation characteristics.
Using the unique propagation characteristics of high-frequency radio waves, the ground stations provide data link communications to properly equipped aircraft operating anywhere in the world.
This is because there are different interactions with circuits, transmissions and propagation characteristics at microwave frequencies.
Presumably, Clearwire's spectrum wouldn't get that much because of its poor propagation characteristics at 2.5-2.6GHz.
For example, on May 10, 2009, a burst was detected that, by its propagation characteristics, is believed to negate some approaches to a new theory of gravity.
The band shares many propagation characteristics with 6 meters.
It is popular with microbroadcasters for having slightly better propagation characteristics than the standard AM band.
Due to the propagation characteristics of long wave signals, the frequencies are used most effectively in latitudes north of 50 .
While the general RF band controls propagation characteristics, who uses what is arbitrary and historical.
Higher frequencies have better propagation characteristics during the day, while lower frequencies do better in darkness.