He made no effort to hide the doubt in his voice, concentrating instead on entering commands to make the proper adjustments.
Below - or in some test images above - the color bars are reference areas, who serve as an indication for a proper adjustment.
Without proper adjustments for inflation, members would be voting on programs with little sense of the impact of their decision.
I'm seeing the proper people and getting the proper adjustments for my back.
I just got to learn how to deal with it and make the proper adjustments.
She said the team made the proper adjustments on defense, returning to the principles that had been such a key part of its earlier success.
The lieutenant made the proper adjustment to his board.
Chief Laval made the proper adjustments and sent the signals out.
Q. You would then tell the computer, for example, what an individual's problems are, and it would make the proper adjustment?
And Kimber, using his left hand awkwardly, made the proper adjustment.