If it did not show a deviation from the proper bearing, would it show any of the changes that marked the end of a normal star road?
I oriented the map with the little gyrocompass and trudged off into the vast whiteness along the proper bearing.
Now you, youve got the proper military bearing and figure.
The rangefinder in Spot-1 was already trained into the proper bearing.
A quartermaster's mate got behind the instrument, dropped the handles in place, and trained it to the proper bearing.
However, the second duo, who had the proper bearing and look of intelligence, were, in coloring, more like the city?
Think now what man was he, who was a fit Companion over the high seas to keep The bark of Peter to its proper bearings.
For the first time, he also realized the necessity of taking proper bearings.
In the book, the courtier is described as having a cool mind, a good voice (with beautiful, elegant and brave words) along with proper bearing and gestures.
At 50 years old, his short cropped white hair capped a proper military bearing even though he had maintained a civilian status throughout his Pentagon associations.